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Magic Tree House Paperback Book Set 1 #1-8 Level M - Set of 8

Magic Tree House Paperback Book Set 1 #1-8 Level M - Set of 8
Item: 86512
Status: In Stock
Kaplan Exclusive

Grades 1 - 4. Join Jack and Annie on adventures through time and space. Filled with Factual information, these books are great for connecting fiction with non-fiction texts. Paperback.

Encourage Summer Reading for Kids→

Be sure to read our Insights and Inspirations article for a list of summer reading tips!

Product Features

  • These books contain both facts and fiction together in a way that make young children believe they are learning something new
  • Each book mixs excitement and the love of learning through the adventures of Jack and Anne
  • The series transports kids through time and around the world, <strong>teaching history while stirring their imaginations</strong>
  • Each book has something for a child to learn, whether it's about nature, historical events, cultural traditions, or animals

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