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Assessments & Evaluations

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Image of LAP™-D - 3rd Edition Examiner's Manual & Technical Report
LAP™-D - 3rd Edition Examiner's Manual & Technical Report
Item: 11954
Status: In Stock
Provides clear, easy-to-follow instructions for administering the LAP™-D. Scoring procedures are carefully addressed to ensure accuracy. Also, includes data regarding the norming process, statistical data, and scoring scales. One manual is included with each kit. © 2005
Image of LAP™-3 Illustration Manual
LAP™-3 Illustration Manual
Item: 10658
Status: In Stock
LAP™-3 Illustration Manual
Image of LAP™-D - 3rd Ed. Administration Manual - Set of 8 - Plus CD with Spanish Manuals
LAP™-D - 3rd Ed. Administration Manual - Set of 8 - Plus CD with Spanish Manuals
Item: 11953
Status: In Stock
Delineates procedures, materials, and criteria for administering the subscales for each developmental domain of the LAP™-D in order to ensure reliable results. One copy of each manual is included in each LAP™-D kit along with a CD of the Spanish manuals for you to print as needed from your computer. © 2005
Image of Children's Books That Promote Resilience - Set of 14
Children's Books That Promote Resilience - Set of 14
Item: 46793
Status: In Stock
3 years & up. Set of 14 children's books that help promote resilience. Please note: book titles may change due to availability. We will only substitute book titles of the same value and purpose.
Image of DECA-C Manual
DECA-C Manual
Item: 98814
Status: In Stock
Authored by Paul A. LeBuffe and Jack A. Naglieri, this manual provides essential information on the development, administration, scoring, interpretations, and utilizations of DECA-C results in assessment, eligibility determinations, intervention planning and outcome evaluation. Chapters: Introduction; Development and Standardization; Psychometric Properties; Administration and Scoring; Interpretation; The Use of the DECA and DECA-C within the Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Model. Copyright… More »
Image of DESSA Norms Reference Card
DESSA Norms Reference Card
Item: 16143
Status: In Stock
The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) is a 72-item, standardized,norm-referenced behavior rating scale that assesses the social-emotional competencies that serve as protective factors for children in kindergarten through the eighth grade. Standard scores can be used to calibrate each child's competence in each of the eight dimensions and guide school/program-wide, classwide, and individual strategies to promote those competencies. Nationally normed on 2,500 children, the DESSA continues… More »
Image of LAP™ Birth to Kindergarten Kit
LAP™ Birth to Kindergarten Kit
Item: 94172
Status: In Stock
This kit contains a standardized set of materials to facilitate administration of the Learning Accomplishment Profile: Birth to Kindergarten (LAP™ B-K) assessment. A subscription to the Online LAP™ platform is required to administer and score items in the LAP™ B-K assessment.
Image of LAP™-3 Scoring Booklets - Set of 20
LAP™-3 Scoring Booklets - Set of 20
Item: 10698
Status: In Stock
To be used in conjunction with the LAP™-3 kit. Scoring sheets are appropriate for training a child's progress three times a year. Set of 20.
Image of DECA-C Norms Reference Card
DECA-C Norms Reference Card
Item: 98816
Status: In Stock
The Norms Reference Card shows the ratings by teacher on one side and the ratings by parent on the other side for easy comparison. T-scores, Initiative, Self-Control, Attachment, Total Protective Factors, Withdrawal/Depression, Emotional Control Problems, Attention Problems, Aggression, Total Behavioral Concerns and Percentile are the areas reviewed on the card.
Image of LAP™-D Screens Administration Manuals
LAP™-D Screens Administration Manuals
Item: 94839
Status: In Stock
Purchase an extra set of the LAP™-D 3, 4 and 5 year old screen manuals for each teacher in the program. Effective for guiding teachers quickly through the screening process.
Image of LAP™ Blank Square Pad - Set of 10
LAP™ Blank Square Pad - Set of 10
Item: 8375
Status: In Stock
10 pack of blank square paper pads.
Image of LAP™-3 Activity Cards
LAP™-3 Activity Cards
Item: 13430
Status: In Stock
Sequenced cards that are correlated to every item of the LAP™-3 subscales; useful for teacher planning and for sending activity suggestions home to parents. Includes 383 cards.
Image of LAP™ Diamond Pad - Set of 10
LAP™ Diamond Pad - Set of 10
Item: 8635
Status: In Stock
Set of 10 diamond design cutting pads.
Image of LAP™-D - 3rd Edition Planning Cards
LAP™-D - 3rd Edition Planning Cards
Item: 12339
Status: In Stock
Over 200 activity cards support acquired and emerging skills. Correclated to the developmental milestones found in the LAP™-D, each card includes teaching objectives and material resources for effective implementation.
Image of LAP™-D Screens Administration Manuals - Spanish
LAP™-D Screens Administration Manuals - Spanish
Item: 94840
Status: In Stock
Purchase an extra set of the LAP™-D 3, 4 and 5 year-old screen manuals in Spanish for each teacher in the program. Effective for guiding of teachers quickly through the screening process.
Image of LAP™-D Screen Kit - Age 5
LAP™-D Screen Kit - Age 5
Item: 13695P
Status: In Stock
A first step in the assessment process. LAP™-D Screens are designed to identify potential development delays. Contains the most reliable indicators of a child's development.