Grades K - 4. This handheld WhisperPhone® is ideal for helping young learners develop their reading and spelling abilities and for developing new language skills.
How WhisperPhone® helps:
When students are learning to read, they must read aloud. One of the reasons this is true is because children must first be made aware of the individual sounds, or phonemes, in a word. Once they are aware of these phonemes, they begin to recognize that when these sounds are put together, they equal a word. By raising the learner's phonemic awareness, WhisperPhone® accelerates the learning process.
When children are learning to write, it is common for them to misspell words or even omit words. When wearing WhisperPhone® during a writing or editing activity, learners can, without disturbing others, say every word aloud to hear each sound in the word very clearly. Speaking each word aloud as they write it tends to have a positive effect in three areas. First, it slows the pace at which they write so they take the time to really focus on their work. Second, learners tend to omit fewer words in their initial copy writing. Third, because they sound out each word as they write it, spelling results tend to improve. These same benefits will likely be seen in editing phase of writing as well.
WhisperPhone® enhances therapy efforts with the following…
Foreign language teachers and teachers with ELL students — WhisperPhone® provides assistance when learning the intricacies of a new language. It helps to develop or lighten accents for better pronunciation.
Theater requires each actor to become a new character, which often means adjusting an accent or using one's voice to portray an emotion. WhisperPhone® helps actors to practice modulating their voices while also providing an excellent way to memorize their lines.
Debate and speech practice with WhisperPhone® helps the speakers to keep away from a monotone voice and learn ways to make their standpoint better understood through voice fluctuation. It also helps with memorization.
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